The Arab Journal of Psychology publishes articles written in Arabic, French and English. Articles should be organized according to the APA Publication Manual (6th edition). In general, the manuscripts should include the following components:
Article title: The title must not exceed 90 characters, including spaces.
In addition to the title of the research in the language in which it was written, a title should be added in English or Arabic.
Complete information about the Researcher or researchers who conducted the study: Information must indicate the institution to which the researcher (or researchers) belongs (department, college, university), and his (their) scientific grade (s). In addition to the e-mail adress of the researcher or researchers.
Abstract: Must not exceed 250 words, in addition to keywords that do not exceed 5 words or short phrases. The abstract summarizes the background, objectives, research methodology and results, as well as conclusions.
If the article is written in Arabic, it should include in addition to an abstarct in Arabic another abstract in English; if the article is written in English it should contain two abstractss, one in English and another in Arabic; finally the articles written in French should be accompanied by abstracts in French, and English. The same content of the abstract should be preserved, although the language in which it is written vary.
Introduction: It should refer to the social and scientific values of the study and its theoretical framework in addition to its objectives. Reference should be made to the social importance and usefulness of the study. With regard to the scientific value of the study, evidence of the originality of the study should be provided, in addition to an indication of the previous findings about the subject. We should also clarify the specific contributions of the study to the field to which belongs the study.
The theoretical background should describe the theoretical foundations of the research and the evidence used to construct the theoretical background. This should be based on results from previous studies. Finally, the introduction should include a clear and precise definition of the objectives of the study.
Research Methodology: It presented the setting in which the study is conducted, this include the human group from which the sample was selected. We should also describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria of subjects in the sample and their number. The research should indicate also the difficulties faced in this task, such as communication difficulties … we should also indicate data analysis methods, such as the statistical techniques used for this purpose. Regarding ethical considerations, a license must be obtained for the completion of the research, from the institution to which the researcher belongs or from other institutions.
Results: The presentation of results should be subject to a logical sequence linked to the objectives of the study. We can use tables and figures for this purpose.
Discussion: This part summarize the basic findings of the study, without adding the details of the results. This also requires showing how the research results relate to evidences from previous studies. We should also pinpoint the strengths and limitations of the methodology used in this study, and what the readers should focus on when interpreting the results.
The recommendations explain unanswered questions, some suggestions for subsequent research, and recommendations should stem from the results of the study.
Conclusion: Summarize the results of the study and its importance.
References: They should be presented in alphabetical order whether it is an article from a scientific journal, a book or a chapter from a book. We start with Arabic references and then foreign references.
The manuscripts are presented in two separate files (masked review); the first includes researchers’ s names and sufficient information about them (as described above), and a text file that does not refer to researchers’ names. The text should be in word format, the font type is Times New Roman, and the font size is 14 for titles and text, and 12 for tables and figures. The manuscripts are reviewed by members of the scientific committee specialized in the field covered by the article. The researcher or researchers are responsible for obtaining a reproduction license for tables, figures, or citations exceeding 500 words. As to the length, articles should not exceed 40 pages. Tables and figures are included in their normal place in the article, not at the end of the manuscript, unless they are considered as appendices. The Arab Journal of Psychology is entitled to modify some phrases in the manuscript.
Ethical Principles for achieving and publishing Psychological Research:
The American Psychological Association has developed a set of ethical principles that should be adhered to, including:
– The commitment of the psychologist to ethical standards in dealing with the sample, whether human or animal. The American Psychological Association has prepared a special manual, which can be viewed or downloaded from the following link:
– It is unethical publishing previously published data.
– After the publication of the results of the research, the psychologist should not hide the data on which he relied in his conclusions, and impeds other researchers from viewing them either for replication or re-analysis provided that the confidentiality of the participants is protected, and unless there is a legal impediment to this.
– The article may not be sent to more than one Journal at the same time.
** After the Arab Journal of Psychology receive the reviewingreport of the manuscript, we inform the researcher or researchers about if the article will be published or not.
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