Editorial http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Editorial-Vol-1-Issue-2.pdf
Contribution to child psychopathology, what about cultural and social specificities?
Abla Zioui
The aim of this contribution is to shed light on child psychopathology through the clinical interview data and the Rorschach test. The emphasis was made on the cultural and social parameters based on the results extracted from the clinical study that we carried out on 100 children in latency phase. In addition to the necessity to consider back the dynamic of psychic operation, the researcher underline the importance of the cultural and social parameters in understanding the psychopathological symptoms in children of the considered study group.
Keywords: Psychopathology of the child; Clinical interview; Rorschach test
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Abla-Zioui-Social-and-cultural-approach-to-elderly-care-The-case-of-Algeria-Vol-1-Issue-2.pdf
Social and cultural approach to elderly care: The case of Algeria
Khadija Kebdani
Aging is a developmental phase in which occurs many changes. In this sense, aging offers the opposite image of development or what we call regression. Several researchers studied elderly people in order to elaborate the appropriate tools that help to tackle the difficulties related to this age. The purpose of this work is to uncover the role of socio-cultural criteria in taking care of old people, by looking at the multiple factors that lead to a better adaptation. My hypothesis found its support in the socio-cultural foundations to which the care of old age refers, and this confirm the role of the socio-cultural factors and environment in gerontology. The obtained results confirmed that the old man in our society remains the symbol of wisdom and “Baraka”, despite all the contradictions that hamper his adaptation; and for his well-being, he needs to be surrounded by his family.
Keywords: Aging; Representations; Family; Social Change
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Khadija-Kebdani-Social-and-cultural-approach-to-elderly-care-The-case-of-Algeria-vol1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf
Applied Psychology in Morocco
Mohammed El-Mir
This study examined the relationships between psychology and its applications. Although psychology in Morocco have changed in the last two decades, and realized good accumulation in basic research, but applied psychology hasn’t the same dynamic, and its interaction with the social environment was limited. So, we analyzed the effect of neglecting applied psychology on the development of psychology in Morocco, because applications of psychology results are the best way to booster the psychological research. We examined also the situation of clinical psychology, and we proposed some ideas to overcome the failures of applied psychology in Morocco.
Keywords: Applied psychology; Psychological research; clinical psychology
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Mohammed-El-Mir-Applied-psychology-in-Morocco-vol1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf
The relationship of Neuoroticism and Conscientiousness to perceiving organizational justice in a sample of Kuwait state employees
Bashayer Al-Wohaib & Othman H. Alkhader
The present study aimed to examine the possible relationship between neuoroticism and Conscientiousness (NEO-FFI-S) and perceiving organizational justice as a whole and its subscales. It also aimed to identify the differences between males and females perception of organizational justice along with its four subscales. The sample included 167 employees from the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, the administration of Al-qura’an Alkareem. The instruments used were the Arabic version of Organizational Justice Measure translated by Alkhadher & Gadelrab (2014), and the short Arabic version of Costa and Mcrea Big Five Personality Factors Measure translated by Al-ansari (1997). Results revealed that there was no relationship between neither Neuroticism or Conscientiousness and organizational Justice and its subscales, except for Interpersonal Justice, it was positively related at (.01) level with Conscientiousness. Results also indicated that males perceived organizational justice as a whole and procedural, distributive, and interactional justice more than females, but there were no differences in perceiving informational justice.
Keywords: Neuroticism; Conscientiousness; Organizational justice
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Bashayer-Al-Wohaib-Othman-H.-Alkhader-The-relationship-of-Neuoroticism-and-Conscientiousness-to-perceiving-organizational-justice-in-a-sample-of-Kuwait-state-employ-Vol-1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf
Drawing analysis technique
Khadija Wadi
Widlocher (1971) considered drawing as a type of human expression. So, like any other form of expression, it reveals its richness only to the one who knows how to adopt a naive and cautious attitude. It is necessary to take the drawing first as an image, but we must to consider this image as a complex mode of writing that could be understood only by a rigorous analysis that will unveil its extension. So, we need to take into consideration its specific characteristics (colors, shapes, objects …) that constitute the representation of the child, and uncover its consciousness. In regard to the symbolic interpretation, the drawing leads us to the heart of the problem of the symbolic function, and could reveal the unconscious world.
Keywords: Drawing; Analysis; Unconscious
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Khadija-Wadi-Drawing-analysis-technique-vol1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf
Information processing in post-traumatic stress disorder
Abdallah Idrissi, Ismail Alaoui & Abdilah Hilali
This article discusses the specificity of information processing in post-traumatic stress disorder. The explanation of the kind of this processing based on cognitive approach, which has provided the appropriate scientific explanatory model, will help us better understand the psychism of the person suffering from post-traumatic stress. This understanding will truly be useful for the specialists in the field of psychological intervention as well as for interested researchers; especially since the disorder of post-traumatic stress has become, in our days, of considerable importance in scientific research because it aims to reach effective therapies given the frequency of natural disasters, accidents and terrorist attacks … This reflects the prevalence of this disorder and the increase of its victims in the future. It’s noticeable that natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, volcanoes …) or human catastrophes (wars, fires, rapes, violent and destructive acts, accidents …) are unprecedented and increase alarmingly.
Keywords: Information processing; Post-traumatic stress; Psychological intervention
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Abdallah-Idrissi-Ismail-Alaoui-Abdilah-Hilali-Information-processing-in-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-vol1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf
Book review: Positive Psychology for All
Marei Salama-Younes
The book entitled Positive Psychology for All consists of five parts which are subdivised into 19 chapters. The first part, that includes five chapters, presents some cognitive, emotional and motivational models such as emotions, faith in positive beliefs, pursuit of happiness for the individual and others, and the importance of optimism in our lives. The second part examines the positive and behavioral processes in four chapters, through the concept of happiness and self-welfare until Aristotle’s view of the quality of life. The third part discusses positive psychological interventions, such as personal strengths and the concept of training and its academic and cultural applications. The fourth parts consists of five chapters in which the author discusses positive psychology interventions such as optimism, the correctness of conditions in schools, education between 2010 and 2025 from a Danish perspective, and towards a positive health psychology. The fifth part discusses positive social sciences; in the first chapter of this part the author talks about multicultural perspectives in the research of the conditions of welfare; the chapter two analyzes happiness and individuality in economics, and the chapter three concerns mental health as a complete state and not merely the absence of mental illness.
Keywords: Positive psychology; Emotions; Beliefs
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Marei-Salama-Younes-Positive-Psychology-for-All-vol1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf
Book review: Children’s explanatory styles and academic-sport performance
Marei Salama-Younes
This work aims to (i) examine the theoretical framework on which explanatory mode / style is based in children; (ii) present a tool evaluating the explanatory modes of children; (iii) test certain theoretical hypotheses. Despite its importance, this theory has been rarely studied the field of sports and / or school in children. This research is composed of three parts. A first part presents the development of the explanatory mode theory, which concerns mainly children aged between 8 and 14 years. The second part includes a dozen studies aimed at validating and developing a short French version of the CASQ. A version that has been contextualized both in the field of school and sports (QEMEE). Finally, a third part aims to test a model inspired by the work of Eccles and Wigfield (2002). Following are two studies aimed at testing six hypotheses: (i) there is a difference in sport and / or academic performance between optimistic, realistic, pessimistic and undifferentiated children; (ii) as part of this model, the explanatory mode contributes to predict academic and / or sport success.
Keywords: Explanatory mode; Academic achievement; Sport performance
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Marei-Salama-Younes-Childrens-explanatory-styles-and-academic-sport-performance-vol1-Issue-2-pdf.pdf