Editorial http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Editorial-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Cognitive science: From definition and foundation to application and investment bet
El Rhali Aharchaou
The main goal of this paper is to provide an evaluative reading of the reality of cognitive sciences from its appearance in the early 1950s of the twentieth century until the middle of the second decade of the current century. We reviewed its stages and its evolution, we also assessed its hypotheses and approaches, and finaly we defined its subdisciplines and its fields of research and application. Although, there is large consensus about the scientific maturity of cognitive science, we still question the utility of its results and conclusions. It is evident to affirm that cognitive science have multiple applications, and by virtue of its research on human activities will necessarly lead to scientific results of high practical utility. But the assertion of this evidence means implicitly that we need to include the whole human activity within the grasp of this science, and then claiming the bankruptcy or the end of what we name human sciences with its different subdisciplines. However, two deadlocks emerged; the first concerned whether this situation is not a heavy burden for a scientific field that is still forming, and then could lead to the dissolution and blast. Because how a young science with fragile history, background and methods of study, could absorb all those disciplines including cognitive psychology, mind philosophy, cognitive linguistics, neuroscience, evolution theory and different branches of social science. Obviously, this perplexing situation pose epistemological and methodological issues that reside principally in how this science defines concepts of knowledge and cognition. The second is linked to whether it is true that this science have distinguished contributions, or it is just a kind of “neuropsychological consciousness” or a tempest in a teapot. Doubtlessly, the contribution of this science change according to the domains and disciplines, because its project since the end of the 1990s is fertile and promising. So, we will examine in this synthetic study, the results and future perspectives of this science through the following three axes: 1) Development and foundation 2) principles and approaches 3) research and applications.
Keywords: cognitive science; cognition; cognitive psychology
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/El-Rhali-Aharchaou-Cognitive-science-From-definition-and-foundation-to-application-and-investment-bet-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Philosophy of science: constitutive and operational defintion of concepts in psychological research
Bashir Maamria
The study dealt with a topic of fundamental importance in scientific research, which is the definition of concepts. The concept is defined in two ways, constitutive or constructive definition, and operational definition. The first definition is useful in understanding the nature of the concept, its identity, its characteristics and its relations, operational definition is suitable for understanding the abstract concept in field research. The study analysed especially how we can formulate the operational concept, and tried to analyze the ambiguity that faced researchers when they formulate this kind of definition in their studies.
Keywords: philosophy of science; concept definition; psychological research
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Bashir-Maamria-Philosophy-of-science-constitutive-and-operational-defintion-of-concepts-in-psychological-research-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Variance in job satisfaction according to dimensions of emotional intelligence in Qadisiyah University employees
Ali Abdulraheem Salih & Rabab Talib Ali
The main purpose of this study is to compare the differences in job satisfaction according to Emotional Intelligence and its dimensions in employees at Qadisiyah University. The sample of the study consisted of (130) employees of both sexes, they were randomly selected. The researchers used measures of job satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence; which were validated; furthermore, we used pertinent statistical tools. The results of the study showed no job satisfaction in the employees of Qadisiyah University, but they have Emotional Intelligence. We also found that job satisfaction vary according to emotion management.
Keywords: job satisfaction; emotional intelligence; university employees
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Ali-Abdulraheem-Salih-Rabab-Talib-Ali-Variance-in-job-satisfaction-according-to-dimensions-of-emotional-intelligence-in-Qadisiyah-University-employees-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Happiness rate and its association with well-being and religiosity among a sample of university students from Tunisia
Ahmed M. Abdel-Khalek, Anwar Hedi Mechri & Wafa Nejib Chebbi
The two aims of the present study were: (a) to estimate happiness rate, and (b) to explore its associations with well-being and religiosity. A sample of 512 students from the University of Monastir, Tunisia took part in this study. They responded to the Arabic Scale of Happiness, the well-being variables (physical health, mental health, happiness, and satisfaction with life), as well as religiosity. Results indicated that this sample obtained a lower mean total score on happiness than did Arab students in 12 countries. Men obtained statistically significant higher mean scores on happiness, physical health, and mental health than did their female counterparts. However, women had the high mean score on religiosity. All the Pearson correlation coefficients between the study scales were significant and positive. A principal components analysis retained one salient factor separately in men and women and labeled: “Well-being and religiosity”. The present results suggest the high convergent validity of the scales used in this study. By and large, the low score on happiness among the present sample is a reflection of the adverse effects of the social and political changes following the Arabic Spring.
Keywords: happiness; well-being; health, satisfaction with life; religiosity
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Ahmed-M.-Abdel-Khalek-Anwar-Hedi-Mechri-Wafa-Nejib-Chebbi-Happiness-rate-and-its-association-with-well-being-and-religiosity-Tunisia-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
The role of emotional processes in memory functioning
Mohammed El-Mir
Emotion affects information processing. Many researchers were interested in the interaction between emotional and cognitive components. It was asserted that emotional processes affect cognitive functions, especially memory. So, we intend to figure out the correlations between emotion and information processing. So, we examined the emotional learning, in addition to the interactions between physiological structures that underlay emotion and memory. Furthermore, we delved the mood-state dependent memory, and the role of emotional intensity in recallability of events and informations. Thereafter, we discussed some works that explored the effect of emotion on some main memory structures such as working memory and long-term memory. Data from many studies showed that emotional system interven in information processing, and thereupon influences encoding, storage and retrieval of information. So, in order to understand better the functioning of memory, we should take into consideration the role of emotions in memory processes.
Keywords: emotion; memory; working memory; long-term memory
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Mohammed-El-Mir-The-role-of-emotional-processes-in-memory-functioning-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Coping strategies and teacher burnout
Jalal el Ati Rabbi
In this article, we focused on the concept of coping, its history, its determinants, its process and its explanatory theoretical models. The coping as “all of the cognitive and behavioural efforts to control, reduce or tolerate the internal or external demands that threaten or exceed an individual’s resources” is therefore a transactional process between the individual and the environment to reduce emotional distress. The literature on health psychology and psychology of work has shown a correlation between the types of coping strategies and the dimensions or components of burnout. How a person (the teacher) manages a work situation that requires interaction with others can increase or decrease his psychological stress and emotional exhaustion, which affects his work output. Despite the disparities in the classifications of coping strategies, we chose four general coping strategies: active coping, passive coping, social support research, and traditional teaching style. These strategies correlate positively or negatively with the three dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion, feelings of detachment, non- accomplishment) and passive coping in particular.
keywords: coping; burnout; active coping; passive coping; teacher
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Jalal-el-Ati-Rabbi-Coping-strategies-and-teacher-burnout-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Frustration at work: Factor of disengagement from preventing accidents and risks
Adnane Ettouzani
In spite of its socio-economic undesirability, the traffic accident constitutes an occasion for the professional drivers, to devote theirselves to a sociocognitif exercise of interpretation and explanation. This explanation, can inform us the attitudes of these actors regarding road risks and generally relating to their work. This article is part of a large study that focused on satisfaction at work and the estimation of risks among drivers, which are considered factors that can be correlated to the explanation of accidents. We approach this process according to the theory of causal attribution, among the drivers of small taxi in Fez city in the north of Morroco. Our methodology consisted of questionnaires. The statistical processing of the data revealed a remarkable covariance between the satisfaction at work, the attributive trend (internal/external) and the judgement of risks.
Keywords: risk, accident, attribution, satisfaction, estimation
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Adnane-Ettouzani-Frustration-at-work-Factor-of-disengagement-from-preventing-accidents-and-risks-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf
Traffic education: a new approach of security behavior in Morrocan road users
Félix Ilunga Ilunga
Behaviorist principles of reinforcement such as pecuniary sanctions, loss of points, even loss of driving license have less effect on the positive reinforcement of appropriate and calm road behaviors. Furthermore, there are very few means put in place to allow road users to continue training throughout their life as drivers. This article aims at identifying some programs on road traffic education that could influence risky behaviors, and allow each user to move from victim state to participant state or even an author of their trips. It appears that socialization by Traffic Education would bring cognitive, perceptual, social, affective and self-evaluative skills to road users in Morocco. We considered also that the new training programs will reinforce road continuing education, and the efficient education policy will enable road users to learn throughout their lives.
Keywords: traffic education; road socialization; road prevention program
PDF http://www.ajopsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/F%C3%A9lix-Ilunga-Ilunga-Traffic-education-a-new-approach-of-security-behavior-in-Morrocan-road-users-Vol-3-Issue-2.pdf